Henry Cayuy

The social leader Henry Cayuy was murdered in front of his wife and child by two men on a motorbike in the Vitoncó Reserve, a rural area in the municipality of Páez Belalcázar in Cauca.

The Human Rights Department of the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca, CRIC for its Spanish acronym, denounced the brutal murder of the indigenous communal land owner. Joe Sauca, CRIC Human Rights coordinator, stated that the murder is being investigated with the aim of finding those responsible.


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Date of Killing:13/09/2019

Previous Threats:No information

Type of Work:Social leader

Organisation:Resguardo de Vintocó / Consejo Regional Indígena del Cauca

Sector or Type of Rights the HRD Worked On:ESC Rights

Sector Detail:Indigenous Peoples' Rights

More information:Front Line Defenders

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