Eneriet Penna

للمزيد من المعلومات يُرجى الاتصال بـ





تأريخ القتل:15/11/2020

نوع القتل:إطلاق نار

حالة التحقيق:لا توجد معلومات

نوع العمل:شخصية اجتماعية

منظمة:Consejal de Puerto Guzmán

قطاع او نوع العمل الحقوقي الذي كان فيه المدافع (المدافعة) عن حقوق الإنسان:حقوق اقتصادية واجتماعية وثقافية

تفاصيل القطاع:حقوق المواطنين, مجتمعات الفلاحين

معلومات اكثر:Front Line Defenders

1قاعدة البيانات هذه تسجل الهوية الجنسانية التي يختارها الأفراد لأنفسهم. فإذا لم يقوموا بتحديد جنسهم كذكر أو أنثى يمكنهم تسجيل أنفسهم باستخدام خيار آخر / لا ذكر ولا أنثى أو مصطلح الهويات بين الجنسين غير الثنائية..

On 15 November 2020, community leader Enneriet Penna and her husband were shot dead in a rural area of Puerto Guzmán in Putumayo. Three gunmen arrived at the family home and opened fire killing the parents and injuring their two young sons.

Enneriet’s husband Enod López Bergano was a former member of the FARC. Eight former members of the FARC have been killed to date in Putumayo.

It appears that the gunmen killed Enod first before shooting the two boys who were seriously injured but survived. They then killed Enneriet who had hidden in another room in the house.

According to the  Red Departamental de Derechos Humanos del Putumayo Enneriet was a well respected community leader as well as being a councilor on the local Junta de Acción Comunal (Community Action Board.”).

Neither Enneriet nor her husband had spoken of any previous attacks or threats.

The killing is being linked to the presence of two armed groups in the area who are fighting for control of the drugs trade in the region. Direct responsibility for the killing is being attributed to the Frente Carolina Ramirez.

On hearing of the killings the army sent in a unit to secure the area to enable the relevant authorities to carry out their investigation.

إذا كنتم ترغبون في تقديم ذكريات شخصية، يرجى مراسلتنا على البريد الإلكتروني : HRDMemorial@frontlinedefenders.org

Eneriet Penna

للمزيد من المعلومات يُرجى الاتصال بـ





تأريخ القتل:15/11/2020

نوع القتل:إطلاق نار

حالة التحقيق:لا توجد معلومات

نوع العمل:شخصية اجتماعية

منظمة:Consejal de Puerto Guzmán

قطاع او نوع العمل الحقوقي الذي كان فيه المدافع (المدافعة) عن حقوق الإنسان:حقوق اقتصادية واجتماعية وثقافية

تفاصيل القطاع:حقوق المواطنين, مجتمعات الفلاحين

معلومات اكثر:Front Line Defenders

1قاعدة البيانات هذه تسجل الهوية الجنسانية التي يختارها الأفراد لأنفسهم. فإذا لم يقوموا بتحديد جنسهم كذكر أو أنثى يمكنهم تسجيل أنفسهم باستخدام خيار آخر / لا ذكر ولا أنثى أو مصطلح الهويات بين الجنسين غير الثنائية..

On 15 November 2020, community leader Eneriet Penna and her husband were shot dead in a rural area of Puerto Guzmán in Putumayo. Three gunmen burst into the family home and opened fire killing the parents and injuring their two young sons.

Eneriet’s husband Enod López Bergano was a former member of the FARC. Eight former members of the FARC have been killed to date in Putumayo.

According to the children 5 gunmen arrived in a jeep, three of whom burst into the house.  The gunmen killed Enod first before shooting the two boys who were seriously injured but survived. They then killed Eneriet who had hidden in another room in the house.

In a statement the  Red Departamental de Derechos Humanos del Putumayo said that Eneriet was a well respected community leader as well as being a councilor on the local Junta de Acción Comunal (Community Action Board.).

Neither Eneriet nor her husband had spoken of any previous attacks or threats.

The killing is being linked to the presence of two armed groups in the area who are fighting for control of the drugs trade in the region. Direct responsibility for the killing is being attributed to the Frente Carolina Ramirez.

On hearing of the killings the army sent in a unit to secure the area to enable the relevant authorities to carry out their investigation.

إذا كنتم ترغبون في تقديم ذكريات شخصية، يرجى مراسلتنا على البريد الإلكتروني : HRDMemorial@frontlinedefenders.org