Ever Edwuardo Velásquez, was a member of the Junta de Acción Comunal (Community Action Board) of the community of José María in Puerto Guzmán, Putumayo.
On 8 October, 2020, three armed men arrived in the village and went from house to house looking for Ever Edwuardo and intimidating the other members of the community. When they found Ever Edwuardo they shot him in front of the other villagers. He died instantly.
A spokesperson for the Red de Derechos Humanos Putumayo (Human Rights Network of Putumayo) highlighted the fact that 5 Alertas Tempranas (Early Warning Notices) have been issued by the authorities shows how dangerous the situation is for leaders of peasant, indigenous and afrodescendant communities in the area.
The killing was carried out by an armed criminal group named the Grupo Sinaloa AKA the Comando de la Frontera. This group is part of a larger group which calls itself the Frente Carolina Ramírez.