Aníbal Coronado

للمزيد من المعلومات يُرجى الاتصال بـ






تأريخ القتل:18/02/2016

نوع القتل:إطلاق نار

تهديدات سابقة:نعم

حالة التحقيق:تمت محاكمة الجاني/الجناة

نوع العمل:شخصية اجتماعية

منظمة:Comunidad de Santa Lucia Municipio de Ciénaga de Oro

قطاع او نوع العمل الحقوقي الذي كان فيه المدافع (المدافعة) عن حقوق الإنسان:حقوق اقتصادية واجتماعية وثقافية

تفاصيل القطاع:حقوق تنموية

معلومات اكثر:Front Line Defenders

1قاعدة البيانات هذه تسجل الهوية الجنسانية التي يختارها الأفراد لأنفسهم. فإذا لم يقوموا بتحديد جنسهم كذكر أو أنثى يمكنهم تسجيل أنفسهم باستخدام خيار آخر / لا ذكر ولا أنثى أو مصطلح الهويات بين الجنسين غير الثنائية..

Aníbal Coronado, community and environmental leader of Ciénaga de Oro and excandidate to the council of that municipality, was killed by two men who shot him several times from a motorcycle until he died.

The events occurred around 2:00 p.m., in the village of Santa Lucía (Ciénaga de Oro), when the leader was on his way to pick up his children from school.

Months before, Coronado had reported that residents of the municipality’s wetlands were appropriating these lands in the region and that this endangered the ecosystems.

The community leader was recognized by the local authorities and communities in the area for having aspired to the Ciénaga de Oro Council, for the Democratic Center party in the last elections.

For their part, the authorities reported that the leader had previously denounced threats. Coronado had told the local media on several occasions that his life was in danger because of his reporting work.

Members of the Democratic Center spoke on their social networks. The former president and now senator Álvaro Uribe Vélez lamented the leader’s murder and highlighted through his Twitter account that “the candidate denounced corruption in flood control contracts.”

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