Eddie Alyawan

Eddie Alyawan was a 27 year old farmer and a member of Panalipdan Youth, a local organization advocating for the protection of the environment against mining and logging operations.

On the morning of August 12, 2017, he was working in a vulcanizing shop across from his house, in Barangay Pindasan, Mabini, Compostella Valley, in the Philippines, when 2 individuals arrived on a motorcycle and asked for his services.

He inflated their tires and then they asked him whether he was another individual, but, before he even had the chance to answer, they shot him.

The perpetrators are believed to be from the 46th Infantry Battalion of the Philippine Army, a military unit involved in the surveillance of Panalipdan Youth protesting against military encampment of civilian communities.


If you would like to provide a personal recollection, please email us at: HRDMemorial@frontlinedefenders.org


Country:The Philippines

Department/Province/State:Compostela Valley



Date of Killing:12/08/2017

Previous Threats:No information

Type of Work:Farmer

Organisation:Panalipdan Youth

Sector or Type of Rights the HRD Worked On:ESC Rights

Sector Detail:Environmental Rights, Extractive industries/Mega projects

More information:Front Line Defenders

1This database records an individual's chosen gender identity. If they do not self-identify as male or female they can use the option of recording other/neither or use the term NBGI (non binary gender identity).

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