Huver Hoyos Rengifo

Huver Hoyos Rengifo, farmer and social leader, was shot dead on Sunday, August 19, 2018, when he was walking on the street with his wife, who was also shot but survived the attack.

Huver was leader of the peasant and indigenous organisation in Amaguer, Proceso Campesino e Indígena de Amaguer (Procamina).

Amaguer is one of the militarised zones in the Cauca region that are constantly threatened by illegal armed groups that strive to control the economy, drug traffic and mining activities.

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Date of Killing:19/08/2018

Previous Threats:No information

Type of Work:Community leader

Organisation:Proceso Campesino e Indígena de Amaguer (Procamina)

Sector or Type of Rights the HRD Worked On:ESC Rights

Sector Detail:Indigenous Peoples' Rights, Peasant Communities

More information:Front Line Defenders

1This database records an individual's chosen gender identity. If they do not self-identify as male or female they can use the option of recording other/neither or use the term NBGI (non binary gender identity).

URLs (links) of Interest
Observatorio de la Red por la Vida y los Derechos Humanos del Cauca
Meridiano Cauca
Caracol Radio
For further information contact