Jabbar Mohammed Karam al-Bahadli,

On July 23, 2018, gunmen assassinated human rights lawyer Jabbar Mohammed Al-Karm.

The killing took place near the Al Hadi police station, shortly after Al Karm had left the Palace of Justice. The armed men, who were driving a Toyota Land Cruiser, intercepted his car and shot him 15 times. Jabbar Al-Karm was known to be defending many of the demonstrators detained in Basra since protests began on July 08, 2018.

During a peaceful demonstration on 20 July 2018 in Liberation Square in central Baghdad, a small group of demonstrators tried to move towards the Green Zone where the government headquarters are located. Riot police used tear gas canisters in such a way as to cause numerous head injuries to the small group and other demonstrators. They also used water cannons to disperse the demonstration.

Jabbar Mohammed Al-Karm was assassinated by gunmen after offering to defend the detainees.

If you would like to provide a personal recollection, please email us at: HRDMemorial@frontlinedefenders.org





Date of Killing:23/07/2018

Previous Threats:No information

Type of Work:Lawyer

Sector or Type of Rights the HRD Worked On:Civil and Political Rights

Sector Detail:Citizens' rights, Documenting rights in conflict, Impunity/Justice

More information:Front Line Defenders

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