Raimundo Agnaldo Dourado de Almeida

A leader of the Federation of Agricultural Workers (FETAGRI), Raimundo Agnaldo Dourado de Almeida fought alongside 600 families for their right to land at the Palmeiras, O Sol Nasce para Todos, Iraúna Alegre and Ibiapuera farms, located in the municipality of Tucuruí in Pará state.

On 27 September 2008, Raimundo was shot dead, in front of his residence, when he arrived by motorcycle after a meeting in the Rural Zone. His son was on the pillion seat. It is suspected that those involved in the crime are the alleged owners of the above-mentioned farms.

In 2017, these 600 families had camped on the Agua Azul II farm, and after an agreement made on 30 November 2007, they decided to vacate the land. Under the agreement, INCRA undertook to identify other areas that could be expropriated for agrarian reform purposes, and the community leaders were given the responsibility of indicating other properties that could be incorporated into the agrarian reform programme.

Given INCRA’s delay in implementing the agreement, the families planned to set up a new encampment possibly in the vicinity of the properties that they had indicated to INCRA for the creation of the Settlement Project.

It is suspected that Raimundo’s murder occurred as a result. In recent years, several leaders had been assassinated in the Tucuruí region as a result of their struggle for land.

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Date of Killing:27/09/2008

Previous Threats:Yes

Type of Work:Community leader

Sector or Type of Rights the HRD Worked On:ESC Rights

Sector Detail:Land Rights, Peasant Communities

More information:Front Line Defenders

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