Wilmer Antonio Miranda was a human rights defender and member of the Cajibio Peasant Workers Association (Asociación de Trabajadores Campesinos de Cajibio), of the National Asociation of Peasant Reserves (Asociación Nacional de Zonas de Reserva Campesina), the National Coordination of Coca, Amapola and Marijuana Cultivators (Coordinadora Nacional de Cultivadores de Coca, Amapola y Marihuana), and the Social and Political Coordination Patriotic March in the Cauca region. At 6pm on 4 January 2019, he was shot by four unidentified men, dressed as civilians, and died immediately.
Wilmer Antonio Miranda

If you would like to provide a personal recollection, please email us at: HRDMemorial@frontlinedefenders.org

Date of Killing:04/01/2019
Previous Threats:Yes
Type of Work:Community leader
Organisation:Asociación de Trabajadores Campesinos de Cajibio
Sector or Type of Rights the HRD Worked On:ESC Rights
Sector Detail:Land Rights, Peasant Communities
More information:Front Line Defenders
1This database records an individual's chosen gender identity. If they do not self-identify as male or female they can use the option of recording other/neither or use the term NBGI (non binary gender identity).
URLs (links) of Interest
- El Pais
- https://www.elpais.com.co/judicial/asesinan-a-lider-social-y-campesino-en-zona-rural-de-cajibio-cauca.html
- https://www.lafm.com.co/colombia/wilmer-antonio-miranda-tercer-lider-social-asesinado-en-colombia-en-lo-que-va-de-2019
- Analisis Urbano
- https://analisisurbano.org/defensor-de-dd-hh-wilmer-antonio-miranda-fue-asesinado-en-el-cauca/