Ana Lucia Bisbicús

Ana Lucía Bisbicús, was a community leader and indigenous rights defender on the reservation of the  Awá Pipalta Palví Yaguapí people in Barbacoas, Nariño where she was involved in numerous projects to promote the welfare of the community.

On 3 October, 2020, Ana Lucía was attending a wake in the house of a neighbour when members of an armed criminal group arrived and forced her to leave the ceremony, dragging her out by her hair. They took her behind the church, forced her to kneel down and shot her dead.

Ana Lucía’s family had received, and reported, multiple threats during the previous 8 months and her son, Deiro Alexander Pérez  Bisbicús, had been killed on 6 May, 2020.

In a statement a spokesperson for the Awá people said “The armed conflict is exterminating us physically, culturally, organisationally and spiritually. The humanitarian crisis of which we are victims is increasing with the passing of days. The murders are becoming a constant without the regional and national rulers taking concrete actions to safeguard our existence, neglecting their constitutional responsibility to guarantee the life and survival of the Awá people, which has made the illegal armed groups the arbiters of who lives and who dies in our ancestral territory”.

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Data da morte:03/10/2020

Ameaças Anteriores:Sim

Tipo de trabalho:Líder comunitário

Organização:Resguardo Pipalta Palví Yaguapí

Setor ou Tipo de Direitos que o/a DDH trabalhava:Direitos ESC

Detalhes do Setor:Construção da paz, Direito à terra, Direitos dos povos indígenas

Maiores informações:Front Line Defenders

1Essa base de dados registra a opção de gênero. Caso eles/as não se identifiquem com o gênero masculino ou feminino, eles/as podem utilizar a opção de registro ‘outro/nenhum’ ou utiliizar o termo IGNB (identidade de gênero não binária).

Ana Lucia Bisbicús

Ana Lucía Bisbicús, was a community leader and indigenous rights defender on the reservation of the  Awá Pipalta Palví Yaguapí people in Barbacoas, Nariño where she was involved in numerous projects to promote the welfare of the community.

On 3 October, 2020, Ana Lucía was attending a wake in the house of a neighbour when members of an armed criminal group arrived and forced her to leave the ceremony, dragging her out by her hair. They took her behind the church, forced her to kneel down and shot her dead.

Ana Lucía’s family had received, and reported, multiple threats during the previous 8 months and her son, Deiro Alexander Pérez  Bisbicús, was killed on 6 May, 2020.

In a statement a spokesperson for the Awá people said “The armed conflict is exterminating us physically, culturally, organisationally and spiritually. The humanitarian crisis of which we are victims is increasing with the passing of days. The murders are becoming a constant without the regional and national rulers taking concrete actions to safeguard our existence, neglecting their constitutional responsibility to guarantee the life and survival of the Awá people, which has made the illegal armed groups the arbiters of who lives and who dies in our ancestral territory”.

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Data da morte:03/10/2020

Ameaças Anteriores:Sim

Tipo de trabalho:Líder comunitário

Organização:Resguardo Pipalta Palví Yaguapí

Setor ou Tipo de Direitos que o/a DDH trabalhava:Direitos ESC

Detalhes do Setor:Construção da paz, Direito à terra, Direitos dos povos indígenas

Maiores informações:Front Line Defenders

1Essa base de dados registra a opção de gênero. Caso eles/as não se identifiquem com o gênero masculino ou feminino, eles/as podem utilizar a opção de registro ‘outro/nenhum’ ou utiliizar o termo IGNB (identidade de gênero não binária).