Gilberto Espinosa Victoria

Gilberto Espinosa Victoria, a member of the National Syndicate of the Agri-food Industry, Sinaltrainal, was shot on the 13th of May, 2018 at approximately 19.55pm.

Gilberto, a worker for the multinational Nestlé Colombia, had worked for 25 years in the Bugalagrande warehouse location.

It is reported that Gilberto’s murder occurred during a conflict that started in April following the presentation of a collective petition from SINALTRAINAL to Nestlé. However, the exact reason for why Gilberto was killed is not known.

Though Gilberto was not personally threatened, death threats were addressed to the SINALTRAINAL Headquarters in Bugalagrande. These acts of intimidation towards Union and syndicalist leaders such as Gilberto raises concerns regarding the safety of Union members, leaders and their families.

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Departamento/Província/Estado:Valle del Cauca


Data da morte:13/03/2018

Ameaças Anteriores:Sim

Tipo de trabalho:Sindicalista

Organização:National Syndicate of Agri-food Industry (SINALTRAINAL)

Setor ou Tipo de Direitos que o/a DDH trabalhava:Direitos ESC

Detalhes do Setor:Direitos laborais

Maiores informações:Front Line Defenders

1Essa base de dados registra a opção de gênero. Caso eles/as não se identifiquem com o gênero masculino ou feminino, eles/as podem utilizar a opção de registro ‘outro/nenhum’ ou utiliizar o termo IGNB (identidade de gênero não binária).