David Alexis Narváez

David Alexis Narváez was killed on the 8th of February 2018 in Tarazá, Antioquia. He was one of the regional leaders of the substitution of the illegal crops’ programme. The authorities say that the members of the AGC might have been involved in the crime.

According to the police investigation, a group of armed men came to the LA Pipola village (El Doce region) and broke into Narváez’s house, while he was having a family gathering and fired weapons several times.

Before the killing occurred, el Proceso Social de Garantías had petitioned the Columbian government and the Armed Forces for protection of the Taraza community, as many have people started to leave the region due to armed conflicts.


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Data da morte:08/02/2018

Ameaças Anteriores:Sim

Tipo de trabalho:Líder comunitário

Organização:Programa Integral de Sustitución de Cultivos

Setor ou Tipo de Direitos que o/a DDH trabalhava:Direitos ESC

Detalhes do Setor:Comunidades camponesas, Direito à terra

Maiores informações:Front Line Defenders

1Essa base de dados registra a opção de gênero. Caso eles/as não se identifiquem com o gênero masculino ou feminino, eles/as podem utilizar a opção de registro ‘outro/nenhum’ ou utiliizar o termo IGNB (identidade de gênero não binária).