On the 6th of June, 2017, 44-year-old father and husband, Kanhaiyalal Dhurilal Patidar, was gunned down during a peaceful protest in Mandsaur, India.
Mr. Patidar, along with 5 other non-land owning protestors, had been protesting wages and a state of precarity that increasingly became a characteristic of farmer, and non-farmer life, alike.
Mr. Patidar’s neighbour’s had reported that Mr. Patidar had mistakenly believed that he would be insecurity due to the peaceful nature of the pretest. However, police soon opened fire on him and others killing 5 protestors in total.
Since the event, however, the congress in India had provided financial compensation of up to 50k Indian Rupies to the victims collectively.
Mr. Patidar leaves behind two children.