Luis Díaz López

Two brothers, members of the Julieros indigenous community, of the Betoy people of the municipality of Tame, died in disputed circumstances after clashes between the Army and the ELN in the rural area of ​​Tame, in the department of Arauca.

They were identified as Luis Díaz López, 22 years old, who served as secretary of the council of this aboriginal community and Miller Díaz López, 32. Members the community indicated that they were on a hunting day, taking into account that the area where the incident took place is part of an indigenous reservation in the rural area of ​​Tame.

It was in the village of La Holanda in the jurisdiction of the municipality of Tame, that this alleged confrontation between National Army troops and an ELN redoubt occurred. The ELN apparently intended to attack the army patrol by the road corridor between Tame and Fortul.

The incident took place at 11: 00pm on Thursday night. The two men who were killed were transferred by army helicoptor to the city of Arauca.

Spokes persons for the Indigenous community have challenged the official version of events and claim that the men were extra-judicially executed by the army.

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Data da morte:18/01/2019

Ameaças Anteriores:Nenhuma Informação

Tipo de trabalho:Líder comunitário

Organização:Cabildo indígena El Juliero del pueblo indígena Betoyé

Setor ou Tipo de Direitos que o/a DDH trabalhava:Direitos ESC

Detalhes do Setor:Direitos dos povos indígenas

Maiores informações:Front Line Defenders

1Essa base de dados registra a opção de gênero. Caso eles/as não se identifiquem com o gênero masculino ou feminino, eles/as podem utilizar a opção de registro ‘outro/nenhum’ ou utiliizar o termo IGNB (identidade de gênero não binária).