Nixon Mutis

Nixon Mutis, 44, left his home on the morning of 29 January 2018 and did not return. According to his wife, the president of the Community Action Board (JAC in Spanish) of El Chaparral went to a meeting in the Vereda La Palúa and later went to the town of Cantagallo to do some shopping in the market. From there his wife lost contact, which is why she started the search together with the community. They found the canoe engine in the afternoon by dragging the Cimitarra river and found the body on the morning of 30 January. He had been hit by three bullets and had bruises on his face.

On its website, the Campesino Association of the Valley of the Cimitarra River describes Nixon as a friend who “stood out for his commitment, leadership and vehemence in defending the rights of peasants and victims. For many years, he was the president of the JAC of his rural community and a member of the Cantagallo Communal Roundtable for a Decent Life. Recently he had been exercising the important social role of municipal facilitator of the Peace Agreements signed between the State and the FARC guerrillas. His work revolved specifically around Article 4 of the agreements, which entails the substitution of illicit crops for legal ones.”

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Data da morte:30/01/2018

Ameaças Anteriores:Não

Tipo de trabalho:Líder comunitário

Organização:Community Action Board of the ruran community of Chaparral, in the department of Bolívar.

Setor ou Tipo de Direitos que o/a DDH trabalhava:Direitos ESC

Detalhes do Setor:Comunidades camponesas, Construção da paz, Direito à terra

Maiores informaçõ

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