Carlos Antônio dos Santos

Source Reporter MT

Carlos Antônio dos Santos, 51, leader of a settlement in Paranatinga (373 km south of Cuiabá), was shot dead on the morning of Wednesday 17 February 2018, in front of the City Hall.

Carlão, as he was known, was killed with 5 shots as he left the City Hall parking lot. In the car was also his wife, who was slightly injured. Their daughter, who was with the couple, was not hit.

The Civil Police confirmed that Carlão had already reported death threats suffered as a result of disputes related to land tenure. Witnesses said Carlos had gone to City Hall to file some documents. The family was attacked by two men, who approached on a motorcycle. The pair of assassins fled at high speed and were not found.

Carlão did receive immediate medical attention but died from his injuries. The Military Police searched the area to try to locate the criminals. The crime scene was isolated and analyzed by agents of Official Tenchical servic, (Politec). The case is being investigated by the Civil Police.

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Регион:Северная и Южная Америка


Департамент/Провинция/Штат:штат Мату-Гросу




Дата убийства:07/02/2018

Предшествовавшие угрозы:Да

Тип деятельности:Общественный лидер

Организация:Assentamento PDS Rio Jatobá (Santiago do Norte)

Сектор, в котором работал правозащитник, или тип прав, которыми он занимался:Экономические, социальные и культурные права

Описание сектора:Земельные права, Крестьянские общины, Права мигрантов

Подробнее:Front Line Defenders

1В базе данных отражается гендерная идентичность, выбранная самим человеком. Если человек не считает себя ни мужчиной, ни женщиной, можно выбрать вариант "иное" или воспользоваться термином "небинарная гендерная идентичность" (НГИ). .