. Maniraj

On the 22nd of May 2018, Maniraj was shot dead during the peaceful protest and mobilization against the Copper company, Sterlite, in the south eastern region of Tamil Nadu, India.

Unfortunately, little information exists on Maniraj. However, Maniraj, of an unknown age, was at the time of his death a coordinator of Damodar Nagar locality. 

The Anti-Sterlite marches sought to bring attention, accountability and even the eventual closure of the Sterlite Copper Company that operates in the region which is believed to be the source of large scale environmental pollution linked to a spike in cancer diagnosis within the local population.

Reports and eye witness accounts during the event note that the Police and other unidentified shooters were targeting protesters in an attempt to oppress the anti-Sterlite mobilization. 

Si usted desea sumar un recuerdo personal, escríbanos a: HRDMemorial@frontlinedefenders.org

Región:Asia y el Pacífico


Departamento/Provincia/Estado:Tamil Nadu


Fecha del asesinato:18/05/2022

Amenazas previas:No

Organisación:Anti-Sterlite coordinator of Damodar Nagar locality

Área o Tipo de derechos en los que trabajaba el/la DDH:Derechos civiles y políticos, Derechos ESC

Detalles del sector:Derecho a la salud, Derecho ambiental, Industria extractiva/megaproyectos

Más información:Front Line Defender

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