Isaias Guajajara

On April 19, 2016, Isaiah Guajajara, 32 years old, was killed after being stabbed in the abdomen. He was rescued and taken to hospital by the local people, but died from his injuries. The crime occurred in the city of Amarante do Maranhão.

Isaias was a member of the Guajajara People and a resident of the Juçaral village, located on the Arariboia indigenous lands. His death was one of four recorded between March 26 and April 22; all involving residents of the Arariboia Indigenous Land in Maranhão.

The death of Isaias occurred on the day that is celebrated as the Indian Day in Brazil, which seemed an affront to the entire indigenous community.

The area has little surveillance, whence the killings continue without clear investigation of culprits. As a result, indigenous people continue to suffer from constant pressure from loggers, even when living in an area that has already been demarcated.

Recuerdos personales

A personal friend of Isaias, Derik Junior, also a resident of the region wrote on his Facebook profile:

«Unfortunately we have lost this very special person. A great indigenous leader he was a man who will be eternally remembered for everything he has done here in the struggle for the land. Too bad you’re gone, my friend. May God keep you in a good place. Thank you # Isaiasguajajara»

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Fecha del asesinato:19/04/2016

Amenazas previas:No hay información

Tipo de tarea:Integrante de ONG

Organisación:Arariboia Indigenous Land in Maranhão.

Área o Tipo de derechos en los que trabajaba el/la DDH:Derechos ESC

Detalles del sector:Derecho a la tierra, Derechos de los pueblos indígenas, Libertad de expresión

Más información:Front line Defenders

1Esta base de datos registra la identidad de género elegida por la persona. Si no se identifica como masculino o femenino, puede utilizar la opción de registrarse como otro/ninguno o utilizar la sigla NBGI (identidad de género no binaria, en inglés).

Isaias Guajajara

On April 19, 2016, Isaiah Guajajara, 32 years old, was killed after being stabbed in the abdomen. He was rescued and taken to hospital by the local people, but died from his injuries. The crime occurred in the city of Amarante do Maranhão.

Isaias was a member of the Guajajara People and a resident of the Juçaral village, located on the Arariboia indigenous lands. His death was one of four recorded between March 26 and April 22; all involving residents of the Arariboia Indigenous Land in Maranhão.

The death of Isaias occurred on the day that is celebrated as the Indian Day in Brazil, which seemed an affront to the entire indigenous community.

The area has little surveillance, whence the killings continue without clear investigation of culprits. As a result, indigenous people continue to suffer from constant pressure from loggers, even when living in an area that has already been demarcated.

Recuerdos personales

A personal friend of Isaias, Derik Junior, also a resident of the region wrote on his Facebook profile:

«Unfortunately we have lost this very special person. A great indigenous leader he was a man who will be eternally remembered for everything he has done here in the struggle for the land. Too bad you’re gone, my friend. May God keep you in a good place. Thank you # Isaiasguajajara»

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Apodo:no information



Fecha del asesinato:19/04/2016

Amenazas previas:No hay información

Tipo de tarea:Integrante de ONG

Organisación:Arariboia Indigenous Land in Maranhão.

Área o Tipo de derechos en los que trabajaba el/la DDH:Derechos ESC

Detalles del sector:Derecho a la tierra, Derechos de los pueblos indígenas, Libertad de expresión

Más información:Front line Defenders

1Esta base de datos registra la identidad de género elegida por la persona. Si no se identifica como masculino o femenino, puede utilizar la opción de registrarse como otro/ninguno o utilizar la sigla NBGI (identidad de género no binaria, en inglés).