Manoel Quintino da Silva Kaxarari

Manoel Quintino da Silva Kaxarari, 40 years, leader of Buriti Village which is part of the Kaxarari indigenous land, was murdered on the 26th June of 2017 in front of his house in Vila Marmelo, Rondonia.

At 7 pm on that day, 2 masked men arrived on a motorcycle and called for Manoel Quintino da Silva Kaxarari. He left the house and was immediately shot in the face. He tried to go back inside but the attackers followed him and shot him several times in the back. Also, during the attack a child was injured by a stray bullet.

The attack is believed to be related to mafia loggers acting in the region.

The conflict with mafia loggers and land invaders in the Amazon forest in not a recent issue. For years, the local scenario has been one of rights violation, violence and impunity. Nevertheless the situation has only worsened with the newly elected president, Jair Messias Bolsonaro, in 2019, one of his political platforms being to restrict environmental reserves and limit the demarcation of indigenous land, as well as facilitating the exploitation of natural resources. (

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Fecha del asesinato:26/06/2017

Amenazas previas:No hay información

Tipo de tarea:Líder de la comunidad

Organisación:Buriti village, which is part of the Kaxarari indigenous land

Área o Tipo de derechos en los que trabajaba el/la DDH:Derechos ESC

Detalles del sector:Derecho a la tierra, Derecho ambiental, Derechos de los pueblos indígenas

Más información:Front Line Defenders

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