The situation of human rights defenders in the Caucasian Republics, particularly in Dagestan and Ingushetia, remained of particular concern in 2008. More than in any other region, defenders were prosecuted, arrested or executed under the guise of the fight against terrorism. As a result, Mr. Mustapa Abdurakhmanov, a member of the NGO “Mothers of Dagestan for Human Rights,” was found dead on October 30 in Makhachkala. Mr. Abdurakhmanov was tortured and then shot in the head. Witnesses reportedly saw members of the security forces arresting him. As of late 2008, no investigation had been opened to identify those responsible for his murder. To justify his arrest, authorities claimed that Mr. Abdurakhmanov was part of an “illegal armed group.»
Mustapa Abdurakhmanov

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Región:Europa-Asia Central
Departamento/Provincia/Estado:República de Daguestán
Fecha del asesinato:30/10/2008
Amenazas previas:No hay información
Tipo de tarea:Integrante de ONG
Organisación:Mothers of Dagestan for Human Rights
Área o Tipo de derechos en los que trabajaba el/la DDH:Derechos civiles y políticos
Detalles del sector:Abuso de poder/corrupción, Derechos de la mujer, Derechos de las minorías, Libertad de asociación, Libertad de expresión, Libertad de reunión
Más información:Front Line Defenders
1Esta base de datos registra la identidad de género elegida por la persona. Si no se identifica como masculino o femenino, puede utilizar la opción de registrarse como otro/ninguno o utilizar la sigla NBGI (identidad de género no binaria, en inglés).
Enlaces de interés
- Caucasian Knot
- The Jamestown Foundation