Aluísio Sampaio dos Santos

On 11 October, 2018, Aluísio Sampaio dos Santos, known as « Alenquer », president of “Sindicato dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura Familiar” was shot dead in his home, located in the Municipality of Altamira, Castelo dos Sonhos district, in Pará state.

One year before his death, the leader uploaded a video on youtube, issuing a statement about threats which he had received from large land owners and land grabbers in that region. As a result, Aluísio reported the threats authorities, but nothing had been done.

According to the news agency called “G1” one of the suspects, Márcio José Nunes de Siqueira was killed during a gunshot exchange with the police, on 13 October, 2018. Furthermore, the prime suspect, Julio César Del Magro, alleged to be the intellectual architect of the crime, was also arrested.

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Date de l'assassinat:11/10/2018

Menaces précédentes:Yes

Type de travail:Leader communautaire

Organisation :Sindicato dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura Familiar

Secteur ou type de droit que défendait le DDH:Droits économiques, sociaux et culturels:

Détail sur le secteur:Communautés paysannes

Plus d'informations:Front Line Defenders

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