Hina Shahnawaz

« Hina Shahnawaz, 27, had done her Masters in Philosophy and was the lone breadwinner for her family. It was a responsibility she took on more out of necessity than by choice during her father’s final years as he battled cancer.

A few months after she took on the responsibility, her father passed away. If the burden on her shoulders wasn’t heavy enough, her brother was murdered after a petty squabble and his widow and children also became Hina’s responsibility.

“And if that wasn’t enough, her sister’s husband committed suicide,” SP Investigation Sanaullah told The News. He added that Hina was further burdened by the need to take care of her sister and her family.

Some sources here claimed the murder took place because Hina’s family and the conservative society she lived in frowned upon her working for an NGO. But SP Sanaullah said Hina’s paternal cousin, who allegedly murdered her, wanted to marry her. This was a match unacceptable to Hina as the proposer was only a matriculate while she was highly educated.

Whatever the actual reason for her murder, Hina in her life was no less than a heroine as she supported her entire family until the day she was brutally killed. Her death is being mourned on the social media. The bloggers are outraged that a young woman trying to earn a decent livelihood for her family has been murdered. They want the government to get hold of the killers and award them exemplary punishment. They also want the government to prevent such horrible crimes, especially against women ».

Source The News International Pakistan

Si vous souhaitez nous donner un souvenir personnel, merci de nous écrire à: HRDMemorial@frontlinedefenders.org

Région:Asie Pacifique


Département/Province/Etat:Khyber Pakhtunkhwa



Date de l'assassinat:06/02/2017

Rôle du genre dans l'assassinat:Assassinat précédé d'agression verbale identitaire ou de harcèlement et menaces

Type de travail:Membre d'ONG

Organisation :Help Age International

Secteur ou type de droit que défendait le DDH:Droits économiques, sociaux et culturels:

Détail sur le secteur:Droits des minorités

Plus d'informations:Front Line Defenders

1Cette base de données enregistre l'identité sexuelle choisie par une personne. Si elle ne s'identifie pas elle-même comme homme ou femme, elle peut utiliser l'option autre/aucun ou employer le terme IGNB (identité de genre non-binaire).