Jairo Arturo Chilito Muñoz

Jario Arturo Chilito Muñoz was a teacher in the rural area of Sucre and was involved with the Association of Teachers of Cauca (ASOINCA). He worked to improve the rights of workers. On July 31 2017 his body was found in the middle of a field. He had been stabbed to death. It remains unknown what the motivation behind the murder was and who killed him. There did not appear to be any history of threats against Chilito Muñoz’s life personally but there had been a number of attacks on and killings of community leaders in the area, allegedly by paramilitary groups.

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Date de l'assassinat:31/07/2017

Menaces précédentes:No information

Type de travail:Enseignant-e

Organisation :Asociación de profesores del Cauca -ASOINCA

Secteur ou type de droit que défendait le DDH:Droits économiques, sociaux et culturels:

Détail sur le secteur:Droit du travail

Plus d'informations:front Line Defenders

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