José García Amariles

Source Caracol

José García Amariles, 61, was identified as the human rights defender murdered in the sector known as the Marianito in the municipality of Valdivia in northern Antioquia.

The victim was shot dead in his residence, when several armed men arrived and shot him repeatedly. Social leaders in the area confirmed to Caracol Radio that the deceased was part of the Municipal Victims’ Committee, representing those people who had been displace because of anti personnel mines.

“ While we do not know the motives of the killing, Don José represented the victims of anti personnel mines within the local committee, which makes him a leader in human rights in our municipality. We feel very sad and our partners sympathize with the family, ”said Oscar Baena, a member of the Valdivia Victims’ Committee.

The human rights defender also stressed that the victim had not reported threats against him, so they demand that the authorities clarify this new violent act against social leaders in the department. This lates killing brought to 33 the number of community leaders and human rights defenders killed in Antioquia during 2018.

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Date de l'assassinat:18/08/2018

Menaces précédentes:No

Type de travail:Leader communautaire

Organisation :Mesa de Víctimas Municipal

Secteur ou type de droit que défendait le DDH:Droits civils et politiques

Détail sur le secteur:Construction de la paix, Réfugiés/personnes déplacées dans un pays/migrants

Plus d'informations:Front Line Defenders

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