María Yolanda Maturana

On the 02 February 2018, social leader and environmentalist Yolanda Maturana was found dead in her house in Pueblo Rico, located on the border between the departments of Risaralda and Chocó. She had been shot dead by hooded and armed gunmen who broke into her home.

Yolanda was the leader of an organization called « Asociación de amigos de la flora y la fauna en Risaralda » and  was known for her work against illegal mining and the contamination of water sources in the area.

On 20 February Luis Alfonso Pino Bonilla was arrested as the alleged intellectual author and perpetrator of the killing of Yolanda. Evidence found in his house linked him directly to the killing which it is believed was motivated by his fear that she would expose his involvement in a murder which had taken place some years earlier.

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Surnom:no information


Age:no information

Date de l'assassinat:02/02/2018

Menaces précédentes:Yes

Type de travail:Leader social

Organisation :Asociacion de Amigos de la flora y la fauna en Risaralda

Secteur ou type de droit que défendait le DDH:Droits économiques, sociaux et culturels:

Détail sur le secteur:Droit à la terre, Droit de l'environnement, Droits des populations autochtones

Plus d'informations:Front Line Defenders

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