Rosa María Mendoza

Rosa María Mendoza was a signatory of the Peace Agreement and had been involved in numerous community development projects in Montecristo, Bolivar. She had worked on initiatives designed to help former paramilitaries reincorporate into civil society, with a particular focus on helping peasant and indigenous women to improve their economic situation. As a result of this work she had received death threats from armed groups in the area.

She had originally joined the FARC because she felt that it was the only way to protect her family, even though she was a minor at that time.

Rosa María was a founder member of Cooperativa de Mujeres (Womens’ Cooperative), ASOVISBOL and the Asociación de Vivienda Agraria, (Association of Rural Living).

On 27 December, 2020, she was shot dead in the course of a mass killing in vereda Quebrada Honda, in the area between the municipality of Montecristo and Santa Rosa del Sur. Unknown gunmen opened fire on a family gathering killing 5 people including Rosa María. Her two year old daughter was injured but survived after several months of medical treatment.

It is believed that the killing was carried out by dissident members of the ELN who have repeatedly targeted other former members of the FARC who have signed the Peace Agreement.

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Date de l'assassinat:27/12/2020

Menaces précédentes:Yes

Type de travail:Leader communautaire

Organisation :Cooperativa de Mujeres, ASOVISBOL

Détail sur le secteur:Construction de la paix, Droits des femmes

Plus d'informations:Front Line Defenders

1Cette base de données enregistre l'identité sexuelle choisie par une personne. Si elle ne s'identifie pas elle-même comme homme ou femme, elle peut utiliser l'option autre/aucun ou employer le terme IGNB (identité de genre non-binaire).