Guilherme Toledo

On 11 March, 2018, Guillerme Toledo, and another campesino (peasant, Jesús Leaón) were kidnapped and killed by colombian paramilitares, according to the news agency « Resume Latino Americano ».

Both of the community leaders were part of the « Consejo Comunal Robert Serra », which consists of , at least, 56 families who have been violently expelled from cultivable lands (called « Palo Quemao »), on 23 November, 2017.

Sources affirm that a truck burst into the encampment where the leaders lived, forced Guillerme to got into it and them captured Jesús hours later. Furthermore, on the following day of the capture, the lifeless bodies of both leaders were found by local people.

The prime suspect, is Carlos Eduardo Pardi Moncada, who claims ownership of the lands located in Arismendi, Barinas.

In addition, the leaders reported to the authorities the threats that they had received, however nothing was ever done about it.

There have been violent attacks against the campesinos, as a result, even the President of Venezuela, Nícolas Maduro issued a statement in favour of the local peasants, who struggle for land:« This is not a landowners Revolution! This is a peasants’ revolution,  a justice revolution« .


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Date de l'assassinat:12/05/2018

Menaces précédentes:No information

Type de travail:Agriculteur

Organisation :Consejo Comunal Robert Serra

Secteur ou type de droit que défendait le DDH:Droits économiques, sociaux et culturels:

Détail sur le secteur:Communautés paysannes

Plus d'informations:Front Line Defenders

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