Garito Malibato

On the 22nd of March 2018, 23-year-old and member of indigenous Lumad community was gunned down by alleged a paramilitary group known as the Alamara.

The Alamara have been alleged to be involved in the rising number of attacks on indigenous communities have been further alleged to have close ties to the army that have acted to internally displace communities.  Alamara and other similar paramilitaries have continued to violently harass ethnic minorities within in the region of which Garito belongs.

Garito, who was a member of the KARADYAWAN, worked to bring food and other essential services to the otherwise remote indigenous communities within the region and defending ancestral land from plantations and extractive plundering. Garito’s murder highlights the violence that many indigenous community members face when acting to defend the human rights of similar community members.

Si vous souhaitez nous donner un souvenir personnel, merci de nous écrire à:

Région:Asie Pacifique


Département/Province/Etat:Davao del Norte



Date de l'assassinat:22/03/2018

Menaces précédentes:Yes

Type de travail:Agriculteur

Organisation :Member of KARADYAWAN

Secteur ou type de droit que défendait le DDH:Droits civils et politiques, Droits économiques, sociaux et culturels:

Détail sur le secteur:Communautés paysannes, Droit de l'environnement, Droits des populations autochtones

Plus d'informations:Front Line Defenders

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