Isaίas Cantú Carrasco

Isaías Cantú Carrasco, president of the Comisariado de Bienes Comunales de Paraje Montero ( the Committee of Communal Property of Paraje Montero),in the  municipality of Malinaltepec, and a member of the Concejo Regional de Autoridades Agrarias en Defensa del Territorio (Craadt) (Regional Council of Agrarian Authorities in Defense of the Territory), was shot dead on 11 October, 2019.

For 7 years Cantú Carrasco had led a strong organised opposition against mining exploitation and the imposition of a biosphere reserve in the region. He was shot dead near the regional police station on the afternoon of Friday 11 October, as he was returning from a walk around the communal land.

It is worth noting that a week before the killing another violent act was reported against a defender from the Guerrero mountain region. On 11 October, 2019, Arnulfo Cerón Soriano, a social activist and leader of the Popular Front of the Mountain (FPM), was kidnapped. On 21 October, 2019, his body was found in a clandestine grave in the area of ​​Tlapa, Guerrero.


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Date de l'assassinat:11/10/2019

Type de travail:Leader communautaire

Organisation :Concejo Regional de Autoridades Agrarias en Defensa del Territorio

Secteur ou type de droit que défendait le DDH:Droits économiques, sociaux et culturels:

Détail sur le secteur:Droit de l'environnement, Droits des populations autochtones, Industrie de l'extraction/Mégas projets

Plus d'informations:Front Line Defenders

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