María del Pilar Hurtado

María del Pilar Hurtado, social leader and mother of four, was shot to death in front of two of her children by two men riding a motorcycle on Friday, June 21, 2019.

In 2018 María del Pilar reported locations of forced disappearance, killings and torture that are popularly known as “casas de pique” (meaning “chopping houses”) in Cauca, where she was also a member of the victim dialogue process. This caused her to be threatened, which is why she and her family moved to Tierralta, Córdoba.

More recently, in Tierralta she was part of the leadership of a land occupation by displaced violence victims and Venezuelan migrants, where she also led the negotiation process with the mayor. A pamphlet was distributed in the community by the paramilitary group Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia (AGC) with direct threats to the lives of nine people. María del Pilar was referred to using demeaning gender-based language. Since then, three other people named in the pamphlet have been killed.

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Date de l'assassinat:21/06/2019

Menaces précédentes:Yes

Rôle du genre dans l'assassinat:Assassinat précédé d'agression verbale identitaire ou de harcèlement et menaces

Type de travail:Leader social

Organisation :Independiente / Fundación de Víctimas Adelante con Fortaleza (Funviavor)

Secteur ou type de droit que défendait le DDH:Droits économiques, sociaux et culturels:

Détail sur le secteur:Impunité et justice, Réfugiés/personnes déplacées dans un pays/migrants

Plus d'informations:Front Line Defenders

1Cette base de données enregistre l'identité sexuelle choisie par une personne. Si elle ne s'identifie pas elle-même comme homme ou femme, elle peut utiliser l'option autre/aucun ou employer le terme IGNB (identité de genre non-binaire).