Pablo Emilio Aponte

Pablo Emilio Aponte, was born in Valle de Cauca, Colombia. He was the victim of an attack by two motorized gunmen and lost his life on May the 16 of 2014.He was 53 years old.

Aponte served for more than 25 years as a lawyer in the Empresas Municipales de Cartago, as the chief of Standardization. During his employment, he earned admiration and respect for his is worth noting that the attack occurred in the middle of an investigation that was being carried out by the Superintendencia de Servicio Públicos Domiciliarios due to the poor operational and financial management of the municipality.

At the moment of the attack, his wife, Mrs. Teresa Gallo, also a public servant from Empresas Municipales de Cartago, and his son, Juan Pablo Aponte, were present. They, like their father, also suffered bullet wounds from the unknown killers but fortunately survived.

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Département/Province/Etat:Valle del Cauca



Date de l'assassinat:16/05/2014

Menaces précédentes:No information

Type de travail:Fonctionnaire

Organisation :Empresas Municipales de Cartago

Secteur ou type de droit que défendait le DDH:Droits civils et politiques

Détail sur le secteur:Droit du travail, Droits des citoyens, Impunité et justice

Plus d'informations:Front Line Defenders

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