Wilfredo de Jesús Moncada

Source Defensores en Linea

Wilfredo de Jesús Moncada, 17, was shot by the National Police during a protest in the city of Choluteca,

Moncada was injured when he took part in a demonstration with other protestors in the El Estadio neighbourhood of that city and was transferred to the capital city in an attempt to save his life but the shot was in his head and he fell into a coma and died a few hours later. Witnesses claimed that the police had deliberately opened fire on the protestors.

Last night there was false news that the injured young man had died on the road a few minutes after leaving Choluteca, it was then that the residents, friends and family of Wilfredo de Jesús Moncada, became enraged and went to the hospital facilities with the purpose of setting fire to it in protest at him being denied proper medical care.

A group of human rights defenders tried to stop the violence, but it was impossible and they set fire to the building attacking the area of ​​pediatrics, pharmacy and the emergency area with stones and sticks.

Meanwhile the National Police said in a statement that they were attacked by protesters with Molotov bombs outside a media outlet where gunshots were heard and it was where the young man who died was injured.

Si vous souhaitez nous donner un souvenir personnel, merci de nous écrire à: HRDMemorial@frontlinedefenders.org






Date de l'assassinat:16/04/2019

Menaces précédentes:No

Type de travail:Etudiant-e

Secteur ou type de droit que défendait le DDH:Droits économiques, sociaux et culturels:

Détail sur le secteur:Abus de pouvoir/corruption

Plus d'informations:Front Line Defenders

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