Categoría: Noticias

Colombia: Nuevo Informe documenta asesinatos de 51 defensores/as en 2017 hasta la fecha


Bogotá D.C. 17 de agosto de 2017  – Comunicaciones Programa Somos Defensores


 Estamos felices con la paz, pero nos están matando. El movimiento de defensores de DD.HH. está en estado de alerta por el incremento significativo de asesinato de líderes sociales desde que se firmó la paz con las FARC. Las autoridades no dan resultados contundentes para proteger la vida de estos activistas, investigar efectivamente quienes son los responsables y hay una nula prevención de estos ataques. Esta oleada de muertes puede no solo desestabilizar la paz sino al país entero si no se actúa ahora mismo. Cifras del periodo enero – junio 2017 a continuación.

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Entre enero y junio de 2017, el Sistema de Información de Agresiones contra defensores de DD.HH. en Colombia – SIADDHH, registró un total de 335 agresiones individuales contra defensores(as) discriminados en 225 amenazas, 51 asesinatos, 32 atentados, 18 detenciones arbitrarias y 9 casos de judicialización. El incremento en agresiones contra defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos durante el primer semestre de 2017, frente al mismo periodo de 2016, fue del 6%, pasando de 314 a 335.

De estas 335 agresiones, el 76% fueron contra defensores y el 24% contra defensoras.  Se mantiene la tendencia identificada en 2016 en nuestro Informe Anual 2016 “Contra las Cuerdas” acerca del incremento de agresiones contra la vida e integridad física de los defensores,  manifiesta en homicidios y atentados.  Desde la firma de los acuerdos de Paz en septiembre de 2016 hasta junio de 2017 han asesinado 82 defensores DD.HH y más de 50 han sido víctimas de atentados contra su vida.
Los homicidios aumentaron en un 31%. De igual manera los homicidios contra las mujeres se incrementaron con respecto a 2016, sumando 7 en este periodo. Así mismo los defensores más afectados por este delito son líderes comunales, comunitarios, campesinos y afrodescendientes de zonas rurales. Además es preocupante la desaparición previa al homicidio en varios casos registrados, así como el uso de tortura y sevicia en dichos casos como en el de José Yimer Cartagena en Córdoba a quien se le propinaron 32 puñaladas, se le arrancaron las uñas y le fue extraída la lengua o el caso de Edenis Barrera en Casanare quien fue violada, empalada con ramas y sufrió cortes en distintas partes de su cuerpo con armas cortopunzantes.

Dentro de los presuntos responsables de las 335 agresiones contabilizadas por el SIADDHH, señalamos que los paramilitares aparecen con responsabilidad supuesta en 197 casos (59%), actores desconocidos en 107 casos (32%), la Fuerza Pública en 30 casos (9%) y las guerrillas en 1 caso (0.1%)

En cuanto a la política el informe señala que a pesar de los innumerables anuncios, compromisos y disposiciones del Gobierno Nacional y entidades del Estado colombiano relacionadas con la protección y prevención de agresiones contra defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos en Colombia, las cifras son contundentes en mostrar una realidad contraria. Por ejemplo la Fiscalía General de la Nación por fin avanza pero no al ritmo necesario; menciona logros históricos pero no se compadecen con el volumen de casos que son registrados día a día. Si bien hay que reconocer avances en algunos casos (cuando en el pasado estos procesos terminaban en un archivo), la violencia contra defensores de DD.HH. es un fenómeno problemático y antiguo, que hasta ahora se está identificando por parte del Estado, pero está aún lejos de ser completamente controlado. Haría un mejor papel la Fiscalía General si produce resultados de fondo y estructurales para saber quiénes están detrás de esta violencia.

Por otra parte el informe señala como la violencia contra defensores está SOBREADVERTIDA. Al menos 5 informes de entidades del Estado, la sociedad civil y centros académicos han señalado que los líderes sociales y defensores están en riesgo. ¿Qué está haciendo el poder ejecutivo con estas advertencias? ¿Por qué no se previenen los ataques? Al Gobierno le llegó la hora de PREVENIR y dejar de prometer mesas y comités especiales de alto nivel para la protección de activistas que difícilmente funcionan.

“Agúzate” como lleva por nombre este informe, es un llamado a no perder la esperanza de que alcanzar la paz en Colombia es posible (siendo además una apuesta histórica del movimiento de DDHH), pero sin que les cueste la vida a sus activistas. La advertencia también incluye la coyuntura electoral que se avecina, pues en años anteriores se ha evidenciado mayores niveles de violencias territoriales en periodos de elecciones, y que ojalá, en esta oportunidad, la tendencia desaparezca. “Agúzate” también es un mensaje vivaz desde el movimiento social y de DDHH colombiano, dirigido a las entidades del Gobierno y Estado colombiano para que asuman sin dilación, políticas de fondo, encaminadas a generar las garantías necesarias para el ejercicio del liderazgo social y la defensa de lo DDHH. Por ejemplo, darle impulso y fuerza a la Comisión Nacional de Garantías de Seguridad, creada para diseñar la política pública relacionada con el desmonte del paramilitarismo y grupos similares, o a la Fiscalía General para que investigue a profundidad todos los casos, y no sólo aquellos que tengan “vocación de éxito”.

Defensor(a) de derechos humanos en Colombia:
“AGÚZATE”  ¡ Que nos están matando ¡

  Las cifras completas del Sistema de Información de Agresiones contra defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos en Colombia SIADDHH para el periodo enero-junio 2017 y otros periodos pueden ser consultados en
PD. En septiembre 2017 publicaremos 3 informes especiales sobre las más importantes problemáticas que enfrentan los defensores y como atacarlas. STOP WARS – Paren la Guerra contra Defensores(as)…Próximamente.

Carlos A. Guevara J.
Coordinador Comunicaciones, Incidencia y Sistema de Información – SIADDHH
Programa Somos Defensores-PNGPDDH
Cel. (057) 3176677053
Tel.(057  1) 2814010
Bogotá – Colombia

Colombia: Nidio Dávila latest victim of paramilitary violence in Nariño.

Nidio Dávila was a member of Asociación de Trabajadores Campesinos de Nariño (Astracan) which works to protect the rights of peasant farmers and which, under Article 4 of the peace process, is active in promoting the substitution of coca production with other crops. Nidio was also part of the National Coordination of Cultivators of Coca, Poppy and Marijuana, Coccam, and the political and social movement Marcha Patriotica in Nariño.

Nidio attended the last meeting of the Association on Sunday 6 August. About 80 members of the local peasant community attended the meeting which discussed the substitution programme which Nidio actively supported.  That same day members of paramilitary group Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia (AGC) took Nidio from his house. Initially they demanded that he pay a tax but he refused. He was then taken to the neighbouring town of El Cable where he was shot dead in front of the community and his body was dumped in the river Verde. The body was recovered from the river the next day in Vereda San Rafael.

According to witnesses, the killing  was the work of paramilitary forces, members of the AGC  who wanted to intimidate the community. They believe that this killing was a way of sending a message to the community that they should not take part in, or support, the coca substitution programme. The AGC have held two meetings with peasants in the area at which, in addition to issuing threats, they said that they were there to impose a tax  on coca dealers. They also promised to raise the price of coca leaf as a way of attracting new producers into the business.

This is an area which has traditionally had extensive coca production and the community is divided between those who think that there is no alternative to cooperating with the AGC and those who support the substitution programme but do not have confidence in the ability or commitment of the government to following through on the programme by protecting the community.


Philippines: Indigenous rights defender shot on his way to market

At around 09.00am on the morning of 6 July, Ande Latuan was travelling by motor bike with a female companion, Alang Kaligunan, to bring sacks of corn to the local market, when five members of the right wing Alamara paramilitary group, who have been identified by the eye witness, forced them to stop. Ande Latuan said that if they were going to kill him they should spare the woman. He had just finished speaking when he was shot dead.

The gunmen then told Alang that she shouldn’t report the incident or it would be her turn to die. At that point some other members of the Lumad community, who were also on their way to market by motor bike, arrived and the killers fled. Ande was rushed to hospital but was declared dead on arrival.

It was a week before Alang could bring herself to speak of the killing to a friend who reported it to the police. It turned out that there was already a case outstanding against the five named members of the paramilitary group in Malaybalay City.

Ande Latuan was at least 30 years of age, and a member of the Pigyayungaan indigenous tribal association which has been actively seeking justice for the victims of  the Alamara, who were killed by the group because they were accused of supporting or conniving with the rebel group, the New People’s Army. Pigyayungaan has struggled for many years to protect the ancestral lands of indigenous communities against destructive investment projects that are often backed by the Alamara, who are in effect acting as security for these major investment projects.


Honduras: Family forced to leave their home after killing of student leader

Source La Prensa

Luis Joel was at home with his family on the evening of 12 July, when someone rang at the door.  When his sister went to see who was at the door four armed men forced their way into the house, dragged Luis Joel outside and shot him dead. Luis Joel had previously received threats and following his killing his family were told they had 48 hours to leave the area or face the consequences. Luis Joel was married with four children and they have now gone to live in an unknown location.

Thirty-five year old Luis Joel Rivera Perdomo was studying sociology in the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (Unah). He was also a member of the Student Committee of the Faculty of Sociology and the University Student Movement. He had been an active campaigner on sexual and reproductive rights and was director of a local theatre group, Sombra Roja,  which was his great passion.

While police have tried to portray the killing as a dispute between neighbours, there is concern that the killing is linked to the ongoing crackdown on the protest movement in the university.  The movement struggles for fair and free access to education, as well as for student participation in the management of the University. Since 2014, when UNAH approved several changes in its internal norms resulting in restricted access to the right to education, the student movement has engaged in widespread peaceful protests.

On 23 June 2017, Roberto Antonio Gómez, father of student and human rights defender Andy Johan Gómez Jerónimo was killed while he was travelling to his house in La Esperanza, Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Andy Johan Gómez Jerónimo is one of the students who has been charged with trespassing and deprivation of liberty because of his involvement in the Honduran student movement.

The government of Honduras should initiate a full and independent enquiry to clarify the circumstances of the killing of Luis Joel, and other student leaders,  and bring the perpetrators to justice.


Brazil: Shooting of Raimundo Mota de Souza just latest attack on Quilombola community

Raimundo Mota de Souza, known as Junior,  was 38 years old, married and one of a family of 10 brothers in the Quilombola (Afro-descendant) community of Jibóia in Bahia state. On the evening of 13 July, Junior was working in the fields with his brothers. He and one brother were working some distance away from the rest of his brothers and nephews when four men pulled up in a car and opened fire on Junior. He was hit 10 times while his brother had to hide in a ditch to avoid being killed. The 4 men kept firing as they drove off.

Junior was the regional coordinator of the «Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores na Bahia» (Movement of Poor Farmers of Bahia) and had undertaken courses in community leadership and legal studies so that he could help in the struggle to legally establish  the land rights of the Quilombola community.

Following the killing of “João Bigode”, another member of the Quilombola community, in April 2016, Junior had become even more involved in the activities of the community to defend their rights. There has recently been a spate of attacks on members of the Quilombola community, none of which has been adequately investigated. On 16 July, 35 year old farmer Lindomar Fernandes Martins, was shot dead when a group of armed men burst into his home in the early hours of the morning and shot him dead. Brazil is now one of the most dangerous countries in the world in which to be a land rights defender. The government of Brazil has failed to address the scale and consistent pattern of these killings.

Colombia: «Neither alerts nor warnings nor official strategies have stopped the killings»

Source El Espectador

«186 community leaders and human rights defenders killed since January 2016»

Just one day after the Human Rights Ombudsman, Carlos Alfonso Negret, announced that 52 community leaders and human rights defenders had been killed since the start of the year, there was yet another killing in Cauca department. According to El Espectador «Ni las alertas, ni las advertencias ni las estrategias de las autoridades han servido para evitar que más líderes sociales sean asesinados en el país», (Neither alerts, nor warnings nor official strategies have helped to prevent the killing of community leaders in the country»).

Héctor William Mina was a defender of the rights of the Afro-descendant community.  He was a member of  the Francisco Isaías Cifuentes Network of Human Rights Defenders, the Human Rights Commission of Marcha Patriotica and was also president of the Civil Defense Board of the municipality of Guachene, Cauca.

At 11.45 on the morning of 14 July, he was having breakfast in the restaurant in the public park of Caloto, when 4 men surrounded his table, two on each side, and shot him several times. According to eye witnesses, after the attack Hector ran into the interior of the restaurant where people called for help. One man took him to the central hospital on his motor bike. On arrival at the hospital it was decided that he needed to be translated to the Clínica Valle del Lili but he died from his injuries while en route.

According to the Ombudsman there have been 186 killings of community leaders and human rights defenders in Colombia since January 2016. This latest killing brings to 53 the number of such killings so far in 2017 while there have been more that 500 instances of threats. Most attacks on human rights defenders occur in the departments of Cauca, Antioquia, Norte de Santander and Córdoba.

Brazil: France 24 report on killing of indigenous and land rights activists

In Brazil, the battle for land is turning increasing deadly. Half the country’s land is owned by just 1% of the population and those calling for reform often find themselves a target. The «Farmers Without Land» Movement says 61 activists were murdered last year in Brazil – up 20% in a year and the highest figure in more than a decade. The violence is centred around the north western state of Amazonas, which has seen a rapid expansion in mining, intensive farming and the lumber industry.

A programme prepared by Patrick Lovett, Jessica Sestili and Laura Burloux.




Thompson Reuters Foundation: Major new report on the killing of HRDs

Recently the Thompson Reuters Foundation launched an extensive reportage on land conflicts with a focus on the killing of HRDs. Front Line Defenders has worked very closely with them on this project since January, and is quoted  widely across the package.

It includes one long analytical piece on land conflicts / necropolitics, 8 in depth reports on HRDs still fighting, a documentary, and an animation paying tribute to murdered HRDs, built with more than 100 photos from the HRD Memorial project.

The video tribute is playing on the massive 30-story screens in the middle of NYC’s Times Square, and outside London’s Canary Wharf tube station (the UK banking hub). We wanted to create visibility amongst staff headed to work at corporations connected to the violence, and bring the faces of defenders into major business centres.

Politics of Death

What is the 'Politics of Death'? Revealing a wave of global violence driven by big business and global banks. the new lawless frontiers of the 21st Century: Russia, Brazil, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Honduras, India, Kenya#LawlessLands

Publié par Place sur lundi 19 juin 2017


Discover the new lawless frontiers of the 21st Century: Russia, Brazil, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Honduras, India, Kenya

#LawlessLands Posted by Place on Monday, 19 June 2017

London display:

NYC display:

Intro to package:

Full microsite:

It has also gone out as a wire across Reuter’s network (meaning it should get picked up globally / locally) and we’ll be partnering on a film screening and panel in July for which our award finalist Nonhle will join us.

Please share the report using #LawlessLands, and encourage HRDs to do the same. Reuters will help to promote any content, cases, or stories that HRDs and NGOs share.


Brazil: Latest killings of land rights activists in Para and Rondonia

On the evening of the 6th July Ademir de Souza Pereira took his car down to the local car wash. He was talking to the attendant when two gunmen pulled up alongside him and shot him. He tried to run but was hit twice and fell. The killers then took the time to deliver the final shot before escaping. Ademir was a prominent member of the Liga dos Camponeses Pobres (LCP) which advocates for the rights of small farmers and landless peasants.

Ademir, his wife and three colleagues had travelled to the state capital, Porto Velho, for a meeting with a senior official of the Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (Incra) which deals with land reform. Ademiro was shot while his wife was attending the meeting. This killing has brought to eleven the number of killings of land rights activists in the state of Rondônia so far this year. Last year, in 2016, Rondônia led the killings of HRDs in Brazil with 19 killings, mostly involving rural workers or leaders who worked to defend the right to land.

According to Afonso Chagas, a volunteer with the Pastoral Land Commission Rondônia, Ademir was part of a long-standing occupation called Terra Nossa where six people have been killed in the last two years.

The next day, 07 July, Rosenildo de Almeida was leaving a local church when two men pulled up on a motor bike and shot him dead. Rosenildo was one of the leading members of the LCP, which is organising a land occupation on the hacienda of Santa Lucia in Pau d’Arco. On the 24th May 10 other members of the LCP who were taking part in the same land occupation were shot dead in Pau D’Arco in what was one of the most brutal killings to date.

These killings are part of consistent pattern of killing of land rights activists and human rights defenders in Brazil. Forty-three human rights defenders have been killed so far this year. These killings take place against a background of police and official indifference and a complete failure by the government either to prevent the killings or to bring the perpetrators to justice. Of particular concern at the moment are attempts by the government to undermine and limit the powers of FUNAI, the indigenous rights agency, which in theory protects the land rights of indigenous peoples. According to one FUNAI official, who spoke recently to  The Guardian  on condition of anonymity, “You have to be careful what you say. Those who position themselves in the defence of indigenous people are strongly attacked.”

Colombia: Failed by the state – HRD shot dead in second attempt on his life

At 7pm on Wednesday, 7 June 2017, Bernardo Cuero Bravo was at home with his family watching a football match on television, when two unknown men arrived at his home in Malambo, Atlántico province. Pretending that they were looking for an apartment that was supposedly for rent in the area, they enticed him out onto the patio where they shot him 4 times in front of his wife. He died instantly.

Bernardo was president of the local Junta de Acción and was also a member of the Asociación Nacional de Afrocolombianos Desplazados (Afrodes). Afrodes represents members of the Afrocolombian community who have been displaced because of the conflict in the region. He was also an active member of the Mesa de Víctimas de Malambo y del Atlántico.

Several years ago Bernardo had survived an earlier attempt on his life. At that time his case was brought to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, which instructed the government of Colombia to provide protective measures for him and the other members of Afrodes. He had been provided with a bullet proof jacket and a cell phone but a year ago these were withdrawn.

Given the frequent threats to which he was being subjected, Bernardo had repeatedly asked for protection from the state, but this was never provided. Afrodes has lodged numerous complaints about threats against their members in Cali, Cartagena, Bogotá y Soacha.